Selected Publications by Ann Taylor Schwing
Author, California Affirmative Defenses (West Expert Series, three volumes, ~4500pages,2008, annually updated), also Second edition (1995/96) (five volumes), First edition (1988/89/90, four volumes)
Author, Open Meeting Laws (3d ed. 2011) (national treatise analyzing law and cases of 50 states requiring open meetings by public bodies) (also 1st and 2nd ed. , sponsored by the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers)
Editor, The Regulation of Money Managers, Tamar Frankel and Arthur B. Laby (treatise on federal regulation of investment companies, mutual funds,investment advisers) (3d ed. 2023)
Editor of Second Edition, Securitization: Structured Financing, Financial Assets Pools, and Asset-Backed Securities (2d ed., Ann Taylor Schwing, ed. 2005), authored by Tamar Frankel (1st ed. 1991) (two volume treatise on structured financing, financial assets pools and asset-backed securities)
Contributing editor, Black’s Law Dictionary (7th and 8th eds., Bryan Garner, ed, 2000, 2004)
California Discovery Practice Chap. 4 (CEB 2d ed. 1998) (CEB 1st ed. 1987)
Insurance Holding Company Regulatory Statutes and Related Legislation: A Comparative Analysis, 27 Fed. Ins. Counsel Q. 96 (1976)
Qualification Requirements Applicable to Alien Stock Insurers, to Surplus Line Insurers, and to Reinsurers, 1976 Ins. L.J. 649
The Federal Power Commission’s Noncompliance with the National Environmental Policy Act; Statutory Impossibility and Delegation, 55 B.U.L.Rev. 575 (1975)
Statutory Circuit Court Review and the National Environmental Policy Act: The Proper Forum, 55 B.U.L.Rev. 530 (1975)
Eisen v. Carlisle and Jacquelin—Fluid Recovery, Mini-Hearings, and Notice in Class Actions, 54 B.U.L.Rev. 111 (1974)